[Prev|Next|Index] Hi, my name is Marrq Anthony, my E-mail address is marrq@caibohphobiac.caltech.edu. Or, you can leave me E-mail via my home page. I'm a student at Caltech, so I don't have as much free time, this will be brief, but I can make time to write something as important as this. I just started browsing the Internet about 8 months ago, and really got into it when I got my eithernet connection here. All kinds of information can be found on the net. I'm not going to waste time telling about everything that can be found, most people now that the information is very broad and it would take a while to even give a light impression. If you are new to the net and reading this, use a search engine: Lycos, Webcrawler, whatever makes your heart go pitter patter. But, use it and look up anything that you want to know more about or are interested in. I think you'll be pleased. But, continuing on, a lot of what I like on the internet is the large humor archives available. Humor is very important to myself and many other people that I know. However, some humor may considered "indescent" by this new bill that has been past. For one thing, about 99% of known limerics will be disappearing soon. I've heard it said that 99% of all known limerics are considered indescent. I've also heard it said that 99% of known limerics are actually funny. I'll let you draw some conclusions from that. Now, I'm not saying that I need to see some offensive (to some)language and some rude (to some (again)) references to laugh, but I'm an adult, 19 for those of you wondering, and I can choose what I want to view as humor. But, this bill will be deciding, for me, what I can find. The main reason for this I guess is that some minor (17 maybe?) might be able to get access to such language. Well, what happens if this same minor walks into a book store. Go to a large book store sometime and check out the humor section. A lot of stuff you can find would likely be considered, "indescent" by the telecomunications act of 1996, but any one can buy these books, or browse them for free. So, what happens now, are all book stores going to be closed/censored? I know, let's ban all books/cartoons that might be "indescent". Maybe we should also do the same with the news, kids shouldn't be hearding about all the violence, and moral depravity in this country. If we ever get around to cencoring the news also, then we will be in the same state of affairs as the USSR was in in the early 80's, when we would talk about them behind their backs. I remeber at least 10 times in grade school hearing from teachers that one of the reaons why we were better than the Russians (hey, this is early 80's) was that we had free speech and freedom of press. Well, maybe we won't for much longer. Another thing blatently wrong with this Act is that it not only coresponds to public URL's, but any telecommunication. That includes email and telephone calls now. Cencoring what you can write on Email is the same as censoring snail mail, it's an intrusion of privacy. If your saying that I can't say a swear word in a letter to a friend to help explress myself, or even to quote someone, that is just wrong. If this act of 1996 it not amended, and indecent Email can be punished, ask yourselves, how long until Big Brother can monitor your keystrokes at all times, and anything you do on the computer is known. How long 'till every person must wear a microphone as they walk down the street to insure that they say nothing obscene. How long until there are public machines to monitor language as in _Demolition Man_? Sure, these examples may seem a bit exterme, but two months ago, if someone had told me that the government might begin to censor Email, I would have laughed. Back to the The Domain of Marrq. Follow this link to the 24 Hours of Democracy Homepage, and write an essay of your own. All errors in grammar are courtesy of the US education system, and the fact that I don't have time to look over this for errors quite yet.